Tuesday 26 November 2019

Hand Carts

I have added a couple of hand carts to the 3:10 from Hog Thief Bend. These will provide the necessary comedic aspect of the game. (Go on, Ivor, you know you want to buy some!).

I thought I would include a view along Main Street in Hog Thief Bend. When the train is complete, I have a station to build and then it may be time to set up for game. Here are the happy citizens going about their daily business unaware that the Iron Horse is about to descend on their sleepy town.


Michael Awdry said...

I love those!

Ivor Evans said...

Damn you Martin lol!! Yeah, I'm pretty well sold 😂

Martin Thornton said...

They are rather nice, I keep thinking of Laurel and Hardy for some reason whenever I see these!

Martin Thornton said...

Go big!

Frank O Donnell said...

Now Martin we all know Ivor has a enough trouble as it is control his spending with out you encouraging him :) they look wonderful will have to get some myself.