Wednesday 1 April 2020

The Great Jam Raid - Prologue and Dramatis Personae

The scene is Much-Piddling, home to Lord Snapcase in his palatial residence at Snapcase Hall. The time is now and a rather nasty virus is sweeping the country. As a consequence, the general public have been panic-buying food and there is a shortage on the shelves of the village shop, Arkwrights. Snapcase has received a call from his old commanding officer, Major General Kenwood-Chef who lives in nearby Loose Chippings. Apparently there is a gang of toughs on the loose who are stealing food. Several raids have been made in Loose Chippings and Kenwood-Chef is calling to put Snapcase on the qui vive, as it were. Lord Snapcase has responded to the crisis by making more of his prize-winning blackcurrant jam (Best-in-Show at the 2018 Much-Piddling Village Show, don't cha know). Lady Snapcase has been making Rhubarb Chutney and the two of them together have been making their famous Sloe Gin. All in all, a rather tempting target for the Loose Chippings gang.

Snapcase has put the whole estate on the alert and here are the defending force (stealth rules from Black Ops, Espionage Mission, Village Scenario).

Unknown as yet to Snapcase and his loyal retinue, the opposition are the Sons of Stan gang. They were going to be the Sons of Satan gang but when they had their T-shirts, patches and stationary printed by Chippy Minton in Loose Chippings, Chippy omitted an 'a' in Satan and there they were, the Sons of Stan, led by Cleo Rockarse!

So "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the dogs of war."


Michael Awdry said...

Roaring with laughter here Martin, can't wait for more!

The Director said...

I do luv the 'What ifs' ;))

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks Michael. You and I must share the same eccentric sense of humour!

Martin Thornton said...

This is a good 'What If'. I've no idea what's going to happen and I'm playing both sides!

Vagabond said...

We opened the jar of Rhubarb chutney yesterday and it was delicious it almost matches the prize winning blackcurrent jam.

The Sons of Stan are going to have a rude awakening when they come up against the Snapcase retainers.

Martin Thornton said...

All things being well, there should be a new issue of blackcurrant jam and rhubarb chutney for you when you come down in November. The redcurrants are looking good this year, too!