Sunday 26 April 2020

The Ruin of Mimsie Hawley - Turn 6 Conclusion

The slaughter continues. We left Sir Francis and Sir Jaspar face-to-face with rapiers drawn about to engage in mortal combat. Both felt that their lives had been leading up to this moment, such was their enmity for each other.

I was thinking about bringing Capitaine-General Kenwood-Chef into the game in a sort of RPG interlude but I saw that the 'red mist' had descended on both players and they were likely to slaughter anything that moved. Kenwood-Chef and his company, thinking discretion the better part of valour, observe the tragedy from behind the front gate to Gusset House.

Although hampered by a ball in the arm, Sir Francis struck first and although Sir Jaspar riposted he received a grievous wound. Sir Jaspar has the attribute 'Lucky' which forces a re-roll making it a light wound. Sir Francis attacks again and runs Sir Jaspar through. Sir Jaspar will strike no more, he sinks to the ground and with a final twirl of his moustachio, shuffles off this mortal coil! Sir Jaspar has expired and gone to meet his maker.

...and now, after that cliff-hanger we turn to see how the side-kicks fare in this clash of the titans. Lord Melchett, the banner bearer is facing Sir Nathaniel Toastrack. Winning the initiative roll to go first, Lord Melchett strikes a Mighty Blow and using his Powerful attribute disposes of Toastrack in a very business-like manner. Toastrack joins his leader on the ground, stiff and bereft of life, now at peace and very soon to be pushing up the daisies.

...and we turn to the last combat this turn being fought in what will become Bloody Lane in villagers memories. Sir Guffington Shortbread is up against Lord Percy Percy. With a frightening display of swordsmanship, Lord Percy finishes Sir Guffington with a single attack. Sir Guffington has passed on, he is no more, he has ceased to be. There we temporarily leave this sad tale as turn 6 ends I feel sure that more slaughter will ensue before this story draws to a close.

To be continued...


Frank O Donnell said...

By heck their dropping like flies, at this rate I wondering who it was that was left to tell the tale :)

Dave Stone said...

Well that was brutal, so many dead, what will happen next !

Vagabond said...

More dead if I have my way and they will all be Blackhearted Jaspers foul minions.

Graff said...

Bloody Lane, Bloody indeed. Bodies being taken out faster then Jap carriers at Midway. But then it would have ended even faster if Ol Errol had of been there. Seeing that POOR, INNOCENT wench walking all alone, he would have been in like Flynn if you get my gist. Sorry to see it all end so suddenly but that's the way the dice roll, and all's the better for anticipating the next Pulpy adventure. Can't wait, great job Martin.

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks. The players feel that this must now carry on to the death, so I'm thinking they kill the survivors this morning. A teaser for you, the next game features '70s cops and robbers! Say no more!

Martin Thornton said...

Now's the time to put on your best cod-piece and sharpen that rapier!

Martin Thornton said...

More dead, I suspect!

Martin Thornton said...

Probably no one, at this rate Frank!