Thursday 9 April 2020

Back to the Pirates...

The Great Jam Raid was a welcome diversion but there are fears amongst my gaming friends that I am going off-piste when I should be painting pirates. A certain diversion into African bush wars (of which a posting later) has caused consternation. However, to get back on track I have finished the first island. These are more representations than scale models and are intended to give flat surfaces for figures. This will be the first in a chain of five linked by some sort of rope and plank bridge.

The sharp-eyed amongst you will have spotted a beautiful Pirate Queen atop the outcrop. This is none other than Lady Dulcinea Cabstanleigh. Lady Cabstanleigh was kidnapped as a young girl when attempting to travel to Maracaibo (her family have holdings there) through the Caribbean Sea. Specifically the El Pasaje Ventoso, the straits which lead to Islas de Pasaje de Vuelta. Having been taken aboard Edward Teach's ship Queen Anne's Revenge, the fair Dulcinea was put to work as a powder monkey. Protected by Teach and Israel Hands,the girl grew into a woman learning sailing and gunnery under the tutelage of these infamous pirates. When Teach received a pardon from Governor Eden in North Carolina, Lady Cabstanleigh became a Pirate Queen in her own right. Sailing her 40-gun ship Dulcinea's Revenge, Lady Cabstanleigh quickly established a reputation as one of the most dangerous sea rovers in the Caribbean.


Frank O Donnell said...

It looks wonderful Martin & I sure the jam raid has reinvigorated you as all work & no play makes life dull in a certain way :)

Michael Awdry said...

already looking great, can't wait to see how you tackle the rope bridge as I fancied one of those for my Congo games.

Martin Thornton said...

Very true, Frank. Many thanks.

Martin Thornton said...

I will post when I come with a cunning plan, my Lord!

Graff said...

Ahrrrr, me hearties, a tale of pirate shenanigans a-comin down the tube. Can't wait matey.

Dave Stone said...

Great looking model Martin, and the scenery is perfect to allow lot's of models on it

Martin Thornton said...

Yo ho and a bottle of rum!

Martin Thornton said...

Many thanks, Dave.