Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Ruin of Mimsie Hawley - Turn 2

Throwing for priority in Turn 2, Sir Jaspar goes first. After this move and Sir Francis's I was alerted to the fact that I have made a complete balls-up! Sir Guffington Shortcake has the Tactician attribute which in En Garde! means that the warband he is in always has priority. Apologies, Sir Francis, you will go first in every turn from now on.

Sir Jaspar moves his entourage forward.

In a surprising turn of events, Sir Francis's warband break into a run and turn left at Hanging Cross, heading north.

I wonder if they are going to pop in to Gusset House for the burning? Should be a good one today, local girl!

To be continued...


Dave Stone said...

A surprising move, does he have some mystic force at work, or is he rushing for the nearest loo as last nights meal is making him unwell ? Only time will tell ! LOL

Martin Thornton said...

I suspect he has been studying the Victory Point Chart and has a very cunning plan in mind. As cunning as a fox that's been to Cunning University!

Graff said...

Short and sweet. The local girl that is, not the blog. The blog's bloody brilliant. All those books, and the table eye candy.