Thursday 5 March 2020

A Rebellion is Simmering!

As mentioned in a February post, there is a rebellion brewing amongst the slaves on the plantations scattered amongst the Islas de Pasaje de Vuelta. Toussaint Lafermature is the mastermind behind it and has been secretly arranging a base for escaped slaves in the mountains on the main island, Las Montañas de las Tetas.

You will notice that most of the place names are Spanish. This gives me a chance to indulge my schoolboy sense of humour whilst having a back story to the islands occupation. Although home to the indigenous Carribbean people, the islands were first taken over by the Spanish in the mid-17th century and colonised. Briefly occupied by the French after the Spanish, the islands then fell into to the hands of the English, who invaded in 1680.

The escaped slaves have been making small raids on outlying plantations to gain stores, weapons and ammunition. Their leader, Meadowlark Lemon is seen here (5th from left) with his ardent supporters and a fearsome bunch they are too!

The Governor, Sir Frobisher Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh aware of the growing unrest in the islands, has increased the size of the Town Watch. Although, of course, the Watch themselves have no intention of going up into the hills to arrest people. They are content to remain in town, arresting rogues when they have the numbers and taking bribes when they don't!

L to R: Apprentice Watchman Tinklebury Shoe (twin to Reginald), Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom, Watchman Fred Colon, Lance-Watchman Salacia Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee von Humpeding (known as Sally for short), Watch Commander Samuel Vimes, Captain Delphine Angua von Überwald, Watchman Carrot Ironfoundersson, Watchman Cecil Wormsborough St. John  Nobbs (known as Nobby for short), Watchman Susan Sto-Helit, Apprentice Watchman Reginald Shoe (twin to Tinklebury).


Frank O Donnell said...

Two great looking sets Martin.

Martin Thornton said...

Thank you, Frank.