Monday 11 June 2018

Silent Invader Terrain Boards

I have now purchased some terrain boards from Silent Invader on the Lead Adventure Forum. The boards described as temperate look so much like Dartmoor that that is what I'm calling them now. SI said that he was influenced by Dartmoor when making them. They are absolutely superb workmanship. SI is a real craftsman and a gentleman scholar! I have not yet had time to play any games on them but I took some photos this morning for your delectation. There are 15 tiles in the main set and then by removing some tiles and using the 4 extra you have a board without the road, inn or ruined castle.

The boards on my table.

The inn and stable.

A Bit of Whimsey!

Looks like the Company of the Ring are meeting at the inn.

They enter knowing it's Gimli's round. However, he seems to have forgotten his wallet!

A familiar figure lurks atop the ruined keep, looking for a chance to snacth the Preciousss!

Looks like Gollum has called on the assistance of his friends from The Paths of the Dead.

Meanwhile elsewhere, some dastardly Spaniards are escorting two Jesuit priests on a secret mission across Dartmoor. They are in search of a Holy Relic, the Big Toe of St. Ignatius of Loyola, stolen in a raid on Cadiz by Good Queen Bess's trusty swashbuckler, Sir Francis Snapcase. Sir Francis was ever after known as the Man Who Singed the Queen of Spain's Bush. At the conclusion of the Cadiz raid, Sir Francis had fired the port and the fire had damaged a particularly lovely lavender bush which Queen Anna cherished.

Although the Spanish remain unaware, their mission has been betrayed by one of Sir Francis Walsingham's spies. Sir Francis Snapcase is setting up an ambush in the ruins of Okehampton Castle.

Meanwhile the Spanish, led by Esteban Enrique Núñez García Ramírez Vasquez Cortés Martínez Roberto Rodriguez a la Dominican el Gonzales Garcia Santiago de Hernandez are crossing the River Taw and heading for the The Tors Inn at Belstone. Don Speekingleesh as the interpreter, brings up the rear.

Sir Francis and his men buckle on their swashes, spring their ambush and try and effect a rear entry on the Spanish.

Bob, Sir Francis's manservant completes the entrapment of the relic-seeking Spaniards. Bob and his hired ruffians have been hiding in the stable at The Tors Inn.

But now it's Bob's turn to be surprised. Two burly Spanish secret agents burst out of the back passage intent on mayhem. They are code-named El Mono and El Mejillón.

Let battle commence, flashing steel and Bob's harquebus are the order of the day!

Meanwhile, back at the castle, with the Spanish safely out of the way, Sir Francis's minions take the Big Toe of St. Ignatius of Loyola from it's hiding place and continue on in the opposite direction ready to deliver it to Sir Francis Walsingham, who is lodging at the Two Bridges.

More tomorrow................................


Vagabond said...

Martin - you really must see the Doctor, and soon. In the meantime keep making me smile.

Martin Thornton said...

Glad it made you smile, I'm going to have a look at the snow terrain boards this morning.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Sir Francis Snapcase I say. A rather rollocking adventure across the turf of Dartmoor and well done on the score, Snappy.

Martin Thornton said...

Cheers, old bean!