Thursday 2 April 2020

The Great Jam Raid - Turn 2

Turn 2 and the Sons of Stan activate first. Cleo whispers "follow me" as she moves towards the back of the hen house to keep cover between herself and Lady Snapcase. After, Cleo's fall at the wall, the rest of the Sons inside the wall watch Cleo creep away and then go the other way. I think there may be a vote of 'No Confidence' in their leader at the next meeting at the 'Slug and Lettuce' in Loose Chippings.

Outside the wall, the rest of the gang start to move towards the back gate. As Cleo moves, Lady Snapcase again hears something. She makes Cleo take an observation test. With it being dark and hard cover intervening between the good Lady and Cleo, Cleo only needs 1+ to make the save from being observed. She throws a 1! Technically a save, but a 1 always fails in this game and Lady Snapcase sees movement in the shadows behind the hen house.

She could shoot but it's an unlikely shot with all that cover and she chooses to try and alert the household by shouting "the buggers are in the grounds!". Cleo gains two noise tokens. This is Cleo's view of the back of the Hall.

The rest of the gang move up alongside the wall quietly, but upon hearing Lady Snapcase bellowing like she's riding to hounds, They make a run and reach the gate posts of the back entrance.

Lady Snapcase knows there is somebody there but cannot see well enough to aim at whoever it is. However, in Black Ops you can use suppressing fire. Lady S. unloads both barrels of her Purdey (I gave everyone a double-barrelled 12 bore to make it simple, this being my first go at Black Ops) in the general direction of the hen house. Sweeping the gun from left to right (as she's been trained to do from a young age by Suet the gamekeeper) as if she's tracking a crossing bird, one shot comes close enough to suppress Cleo and she goes to ground behind the hen house.

Cleo now has two noise markers and a suppression marker and the gang outside the wall have a noise marker as well. However, it's the end of the turn. Lord Snapcase had no chance to try and respond to the intruder alert because all his activation cards had gone. 4 was rolled for reinforcements making a running total of 9. The noise markers will be removed as it's the end of the turn but the suppression marker will remain into the next turn to be resolved then.

To be continued...


Dave Stone said...

Great second instalment martin, quick question, with the noise tokens does this mean your more likely to be spotted or does it have an effect on you taking an action ?

Martin Thornton said...

Dave, noise markers don't impede the attackers but they do make it much easier for guards (defenders) to see them and to move or shoot towards them. There is a modifier on the dice roll for every noise counter on the table, so the more noise, the more likely the guards will spot you. Hope that makes sense?

Michael Awdry said...

The Sons of Stan are not making this easy on themselves are they?

The Director said...

Messin with Lady Snapcase is no joke though obviously Cleo thought it was. But now those two shots towards the hen house have now left her with egg on her face.

Martin Thornton said...

I do feel that there are some unresolved leadership issues here, but as Cleo would say "it's hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys!"

Martin Thornton said...

Nice one! Just enacted Turn 3 and Lady Snapcase is dishing out the punishment. Typing out the next post now.

Vagabond said...

Not an auspicious start for the Stan Gang.

Martin Thornton said...

You're right, they seem to have forgotten the essential 6 'p's. Preparation and planning prevent piss-poor performance!