Friday 3 April 2020

The Great Jam Raid - Turn 3

Having heard the suppressing fire from Lady S.'s Purdey, Cupid decides to open the back gates. This obviously created noise as they had not been oiled for some time. Her three compatriots moved into the gateway and opened up on Lady S. Six shots were fired by the Sons and all were misses! It was if Lady S. was protected by an invisible aura.

A noise token was taken for each individual gunshot which added seven to the board. The other group decided to try and keep out of sight and maybe gain entrance to the Hall whilst the defenders were distracted by movement in their back passage. They continued along behind the pig sty. As the player, I could see the figures but I decided that as Lady Snapcase could not see them, then she should not react to them yet.

Lady S. had taken her first activation this turn to reload her Purdey, so on her second activation she moved into cover behind the bee hive and let loose with both barrels. Modifiers related to darkness, her movement and range meant she had to throw a 5 or a 6. A 6 was duly thrown and the group at the gate had to take a hit.

Cupid was slightly further forward than the other three, so I decided she would take the brunt of Lady Snapcase's fire. She failed her save and went down like a sack of spuds.

Cleo, the leader of the gang removed her suppression marker from the last turn by remaining crouched behind the hen house during her first activation.

When Lord Snapcase's first activation came up there were enough noise counters on the table to wake him up from his slumbers in the drawing room. He had determinedly worked his way through half a bottle of thirty year old Laphroaig before drifting off to sleep in his armchair. The exigencies of command! Hearing multiple shots from his back passage, the old Lord stumbled out the back door (thus ending the stealth mode part of the game). "Where have you been you old fool?" shouted Lady Snapcase from the bee hive. "Don't worry about that, woman" he replied, "let's get at the buggers, tally ho!" With that 'tally ho' he fired off both barrels and missed completely.

Taking the reinforcement score from the last two rounds and adding a D6 enabled Snapcase to summon all his reinforcements now that the alarm had been raised. They entered from a random edge and unfortunately I threw for the edge furthest away from the intruders. Here we see Sponge the head gardener, Chulmleigh, the faithful bulldog, Miss Spankhurst (a great believer in disicpline) the housekeeper and Young Futtock the chaffeur (a particular favourite of Lady Snapcase).

Marcel Wave and Sid Snot climb over the wall unobserved with Gizzard Puke not far behind.

The three Sons of Stan in the gateway take the opportunity to reload their shotguns and Cleo, discretion being the better part of valour, joins their group. She takes a shot at the Snapcases but misses with both barrels and thus ends Turn 3.

To be continued...


Frank O Donnell said...

I just read the 3 parts now Martin & its a wonderful story, with cast & props all looking great, but I must give extra credit to the script writer for the brilliant line, Hearing multiple shots from his back passage lol

Dave Stone said...

Great instalment Martin, and the heat is certainly rising, or is that the emanations from his back passage ! LOL

The Director said...

Yes, movement in the back passage from unknown sources can't be good at any time, let alone in the middle of a cold dark night. Let's hope Sponge can clean up any mess left by the calamity.

Martin Thornton said...

I thought you might like that bit, Frank. Cheers.

Martin Thornton said...

One should always keep an eye on one's back passage!

Martin Thornton said...

Never fear, Sponge is equal to the task.

Michael Awdry said...

I am just loving this Martin, but "Hearing multiple shots from his back passage, the old Lord stumbled out the back door" made me spill my Earl Grey! :D

Martin Thornton said...

Yes, I was rather pleased with that line, it just sort of flowed as I was typing the report!