Monday 20 April 2020

The Ruin of Mimsie Hawley - Turn 1


Both parties have made their first moves but at the end of Turn 1 have not yet come in sight of each other. Because of that, I am not posting the photos yet. The players are receiving photos of their own moves but because they cannot see each other they do not see the other person's moves. This is a nice change from where, when we are all together in the room, everybody can see what you are doing even if it's out of sight of your actual figures on the table. We have a real 'fog of war' here.

Sir Francis moved first and his voice which can cut through the winds in the Roaring Forties and reach from the Poop to the pointy end of his ship was heard to utter "Forsooth! Thou art a craven weather-bitten jack-a-nape! Thou qualling full-gorged slug! Thou shameless decayed maggot-pie! Meet me in man to man combat Thou tongueless rump-fed vile worm!"

Sir Jaspar moved next and although had no view of his approaching opponent replied that Sir J doesn’t presume to yell oaths like a proddie-heretic but Sir John is not so restrained. In a voice that has echoed across many a battlefield he responds: "Silence, spawn of the diseased womb of a poxed wyvern - cease thy fowle blabberings - does not thou knowe better than to utter ye curse in the presence of ye fair sexe?"

Sir Jaspar wins the toss for priority in Turn 2 and we await his next move with bated breath!

*Photos will be added here when the blustering buffoons come into each other's view, gawd 'elp 'em!

Edit: 21st April. Following Doug's move in Turn 2, the opposing forces have come in sight of each other and the fog of war has lifted from the scene. I can post the two moves for Turn 1.

Sir Francis went first in Turn 1 and moved east as a group towards Hanging Cross. They can be seen centre left.

Sir Jaspar, hearing the salty old sea dog roaring invective, has gathered his roistering crew together and with Mimsie and cart in tow, moved north, also towards Hanging Cross.

To be continued...


Dave Stone said...

Great opening, look forward to seeing the photo's when it doesn't effect play

Vagabond said...

Crickey I thought I might gain some advantage here. Oh well. :)

The Director said...

Thou tongueless rump-fed vile worm!" Could have included, 'Stand offish' as well, but then, whose counting! Sound the advance seems the next logical plan for both combatants.

The Director said...

The next chapter of mine is up now also. ;)

Frank O Donnell said...

This not been able to see stuff really does add a lot to the feel of the game.

Michael Awdry said...

Love the idea that they are shambling in blind, cracking start.

Martin Thornton said...

Photos up now, Dave.

Martin Thornton said...

Not much help here, you old flap-dragon, you!

Martin Thornton said...

Quite right, old bean.

Martin Thornton said...

It does Frank, a bit more realistic for the players.

Martin Thornton said...

Yes, the usual 'helicopter-view' you get when playing is missing when you play at a distance! Definitely a plus.