Tuesday 2 October 2018

Much-Piddling 5th Column

There is a 5th Column operating in Much-Piddling, currently not suspected by the Security Services. They are seen here at a secret meeting outside the village pub. They are waiting for the Fifth Man who will apparently be in possession of some information of great value to the Abwehr. More of their mission later................

L-R: Liam Devlin (IRA), Joanna Grey (Nazi sympathizer), Hermann Görtz (Abwehr), SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny (in disguise!).


Frank O Donnell said...

This is all shaping up nicely Martin, been an Irishman I hope whoever is using the Liam Devlin model can do a better Irish accent then Donald Sunderland could, I all so notice there's free beer, it's no wonder John is heading down lol

Martin Thornton said...

yes, I agree with you about Donald Sutherland's accent. A bit like Dick van Dyke doing a cockney accent in Mary Poppins! It will be Doug so we'll see how he does. Free beer's not until tomorrow though!

Vagabond said...

The Liam figure is splendid.

I have the Tommygun toting lass and the nun, it's amazing how different they look due to the paint job.