Thursday 7 March 2019

Part 7 - Operation Pilchard (Rescue Plans)

‘Buster’ bursts in through the external door and takes in the scene at a glance. The Laird is sitting in the doorway having taken two wounds. Heinrich Heinz has managed to overcome his pin again and has caused the second wound to Hector. Firing his Bren over Hector’s head, Heinz comes to a sticky end.

Bothmann is killed as Shughie and McScrotum race up to the second-floor landing. Gustav Böhm has overcome his pin, left the balcony and appeared behind McScroutm in the doorway, unnoticed as yet.

Outside the stables, the last Fallschirmjäger shuffles off this mortal coil, dispatched by Ronnie Biggs and ‘Stinker’.

In the main courtyard, the snipers have lined up to take care of Sammann and Böhm, but as we have seen, Böhm crawls back into the inn.

The hapless McAuslan who broke and ran from the fight is trampled by a flock of maddened sheep who have stampeded. Flock you, McAuslan!

The ‘rum, bum and baccy’ boys are on a mission, the nature of which is yet to become clear.

Captain Druce and de Tassigny break out the grapnels and are trying to lodge them at roof level.

Old Shut-Up takes charge on the ground floor and prepares to support the assault upstairs.

‘Camp’ Freddie and Miss Spigot (the housekeeper) are relieved that the commandos are now in possession of the ground-floor.

The situation as it now stands.

To be continued...

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