Thursday 30 January 2020

The Governor!

Finally the Governor of Islas de Pasaje de Vuelta makes an appearance. The Governor is none other than Sir Frobisher Fotheringay-Featherstonhaugh. He has just taken delivery on the quayside of his new mobile strong-box, straight off the boat from Bristol. I wonder if this might be the target of future raids by nefarious pirates? He is currently addressing the lugubrious Mr. Jaggers, "Well Jaggers, what do you think of me new cart, eh?". Mr. Jaggers is the Governor's legal advisor and as such, he makes important decisions such as how much of the Island taxes can Sir Frobisher help himself to without getting caught. Naturally, Mr. Jaggers has already helped himself to a small percentage as well, for administrative costs, you understand? Carson hovers in the background, deferentially awaiting any requests his lord and master may make.


Dave Stone said...

Tour flying through these Martin, and they all look excellent

Frank O Donnell said...

So this is how all the off shore banking started ? :) you've been a very busy boy Martin & they look fab.

A J said...

Splendid work, sir! As a lawyer, I think the estimable Mr. Jaggers will probably need an equivalent size cart to convey his fee in.

Vagabond said...

They're all good but Jaggers is a brilliant figure, paintings not bad either.

Michael Awdry said...

Another superb selection!

Martin Thornton said...

Cheers, Dave.

Martin Thornton said...

I'm on a roll at the moment, Frank!

Martin Thornton said...

Good point AJ!

Martin Thornton said...

Thank you Michael. Getting a bit carried away with it all at the moment!