Saturday 25 January 2020

The Town Watch

My pirate game will be set in a fictitious chain of small islands called Islas de Pasaje de Vuelta (Islands of the Back Passage). These islands will be located in the vicinity of the Cayman Islands.

The Governor of said islands has instituted a Town Watch to try and cut down on the lawlessness and violence that takes place every night in the major town. The Watchmen are very proud of their smart uniforms and have to be a very tough breed. However, they are not above taking a bribe to look the other way if the bribe is big enough!

L to R: Watchman Carrot Ironfoundersson, Apprentice Watchman Reginald Shoe, Watch Commander Samuel Vimes, Watchman Cecil Wormsborough St. John "Nobby" Nobbs and Watchman Fred Colon.


Dave Stone said...

Fantastic work on your watchmen Martin, I can imagine them being very busy trying to keep the peace ( and not dying ! LOL)

Frank O Donnell said...

Excellent work Martin they make wonderful NCP's as for the name of your island chain giving the old farts that will be playing out the game it seem very appropriate. :)

A J said...

Lovely job! (And I like the Discworld reference! ;) )

Vagabond said...

As the predecessor to Lord Vetinari I'm surprised you came across these Watch members. Will we be seeing Captain Delphine Angua von Überwald join the force?

By the way I didn't realise you and Doug knew Frank, he seems to have formed a very low opinion of the pair of you. ;)

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks, Dave. They'll either keep the peace or maybe take a very large bribe to be in another part of town!

Martin Thornton said...

Yes, it suits the old farts. I think one of the crossings between the islands will be called 'El Pasaje Ventoso' (the Windy Passage)!

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks, AJ. Probably some more Discworld to come as I'm a big fan.

Martin Thornton said...

I would love to have Angua in the Town Watch. Maybe I could do a head-swap with a suitable figure.

I do feel that there is going to be a lot of hot air blowing around my islands. Remember our motto 'Nulla Cucumeras, Nulla Inflatio'!