Tuesday 14 July 2020

The Golden King of Abrakhân

The Golden King is a man who has an incredible eye for profit and exploiting those through whom he can increase his vast wealth.

The Golden King of Harad is the lord of the merchant city of Abrakhân, located on the crossroads of the Great Harad Road. The Golden King wears a golden mask and a deep blue and purple robe. On his back he wears a large banner of the Eye of Sauron and patterns of Abrakhân. He carries a large two-handed blade and rides on a palanquin carried by two guards. Abrakhân is one of the wealthiest cities in all of Middle-earth, being on an especially important trade route between Gondor and Umbar. The colours of Abrakhân consist of rich blues, purples and golds. The banner of Abrakhân is a golden scorpion on deep blue.

The armies of the city are generally better armed and presented than other Haradrim tribes. The defences of Abrakhân are large sturdy walls of stone. If the walls were to fail, the enemy would need to manoeuvre through the winding streets of the city, and from the roof tops, arrows would whistle down onto the unwary prey below. If, by the smallest chance they reach the inner sanctum of the city, the Abrakhân guard would quickly dispose of any survivors. Only once has Abrakhân ever fallen to siege, back in the Khandish raids.

The Golden King rarely shows himself in battle, instead sending chieftains in his place. The Golden King likewise tends to ignore affairs beyond his city. When in war, the Golden King prefers to remain at the rear of his force, giving a commanding presence to his troops. Few people see beneath the golden mask, and those who did see, did not live to tell the tale.

Qaas'il Qawfod (columnist for the Hyarpendé Times)


Renaissance Dabbler said...


Martin Thornton said...

You managed to comment? Is it just because you only put one word? Very strange!

Dave Stone said...

Great work Martin, your certainly on a roll today with all your posts

Michael Awdry said...

Oh I say, these are rather splendid.

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks Dave. Yes, I was in the right mood for painting and posting!

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks Michael. I do have to say that I am pleased with how this lot turned out. They are going to play a central part in an upcoming game.