Tuesday 14 July 2020

Good Morning Vietnam!

I was lucky enough to be a participant in Vagabond's on-line Vietnam game based on the film BAT*21.

This is a link to the background and aims of the game and Vagabond describes it much better than I could.

This is a link to the actual game report. I was given the role of an Australian SAS team who were to rescue BAT*21. I chose the call-sign BRUCE4X.

This is a link to the Wiki article which describes the real story.

I knew that I had to move through  about 30 km of enemy occupied jungle, mainly in Laos and then another 30 km to an extraction point, supposing that I had managed to find BAT*21. I knew nothing about the terrain and had to construct my own map as I went along.

It was a fascinating game. Very atmospheric and absorbing. I am hoping we get to play another one. Get yourselves over to Vagabond's blog to read the amazing story of Owen Snapcase's daring rescue bid.


Michael Awdry said...

Sounds amazing. I had completely missed this, so thank you for the nudge in the right direction.

Martin Thornton said...

Yes, it was indeed a splendid game.

Vagabond said...

Cheers Martin, I'm pleased you enjoyed it, thanks for the shout out.

Just got the internet up and running and a lot to catch up on.