Friday 4 January 2019

AAR - 'On the Day, Went the Eagle's Landing Well?' - Part 5


Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, you may have been wondering what’s happened to the Kriegsmarine? The Luftwaffe have suffered casualties from a sniper, engaged the Home Guard and had to deal with the Women’s Land Army. They have also met with Spode who has not declared himself for the Germans yet and so is still free to lounge about Much-Piddling in his ‘footer bags’ without fear of retribution. What about the Kriegsmarine I hear you cry? Well, the cunning brain of old Gunther Prien has ensured that so far, the Navy boys have remained undetected! They’ve had a lovely stroll up the towpath to meet the 5th Column, gained the plan of the ground floor of Snapcase Hall and the details of Prince Phillip’s visit. Pausing only to surreptitiously view the ferocious battle being fought out the other side of Market Snodsbury Road and for a large slug of Obstler from Prien’s hip-flask, the proud lads of the Kriegsmarine return down the towpath to take up positions in the back passages of Snapcase Hall.

Whilst CPO Pertwee and ‘Catsmeat’ Potter-Pibright head down Market Snodsbury Road to lend assistance to the brave girls of the WLA, Able Seaman Staines, Sergeant-Major G’Bond and ‘Old Shut-Up’ take an alternative route through Cold Comfort Farm. However, G’Bond has a different strategy in mind of which more later.

The 5th Column advance across the front of Snapcase Hall across the stables and garage. Joanna Grey seen here passing Butterbur who is still cowering in the Mobile Pasty Unit. One assumes that Grey is a vegetarian as she declines to help herself to the pasties scattered about.

Meanwhile Spode and his chums are lurking in the barn opposite Snapcase Hall. Still undercover, they are awaiting the right moment to make a dash for the Hall and to seize the charter whilst the Luftwaffe carry on the fight. Stahl’s tactics now become apparent.

The situation now seems set for a treacherous assault on the ancient Hall itself and its distinguished visitors. Can things get any worse?

To be continued…


Frank O Donnell said...

Things can always get worse Martin :) it's all bubbling up nicely.

I like the scoring conditions you posted it mean players have to get involved.

Martin Thornton said...

Also, they were not aware of each others Victory Points so they were not sure what each other was after!