Saturday 2 May 2020

The Ruin of Mimsie Hawley - Turn 9 - The End!

Due to wavering morale, Sir John has now to throw a dice to see if he will engage, but the great man makes his throw, turns from the body of Sir Miles and takes on Lord Melchett. Will the big man be able, single-handedly to turn the tide of battle? Read on! As Sir John turns to face Melchett, Bottom runs into the fight swinging his matchlock. Stirrup runs towards the fight but is still some distance away.

So once again, Sir John fights for his life against two opponents. The previous combats must have told on Sir John, though. Melchett is able to pierce not only Sir John's defence but also his heart! Bloody Lane claims another victim in this feud without a cause.

'Sound trumpets! let our bloody colours wave!
And either victory, or else a grave.'

Lord Melchett and Bottom step away from the gore-soaked ground and look to the south and the solitary figure of Stirrup at Hanging Cross.

Stirrup, observing that he is the only one of Sir Jaspar's original party still alive, decides to make a run for Fannys Bottom and safety. The cart is still loaded with booze so Stirrup elects to take the cart with him and gets Muffin the mule moving at a good pace to get home in time for tea and medals.

...and there our story has to end as sadly as it begun with many a good man dead including our two main protagonists, Sir Francis and Sir Jaspar, not forgetting dear Mimsie as well! The tale may now changed from The Ruin of Mimsie Hawley to The Death of Mimsie Hawley.

There was, back at the beginning (which seems so long ago) a table of Victory Points which I will remind you of here. Relating to this we find Sir Francis scored 12 points and Sir Jaspar 10 points. But as you survey the field of battle, dear reader there appear to be no winners today.

In war whichever side may call itself victor. There are no winners. But all are losers.

I must thank Doug em4 and Vagabond for taking part in this game and playing like gentlemen (with a straight bat to the wicket) and making it so enjoyable. Even at a distance, we managed to make each other laugh. As Eric and Ernie always said at the end of their show, 'Bring me Sunshine, in your smile, Bring me Laughter, all the while,'. Adieu.

The End.


Frank O Donnell said...

Cracking stuff Martin, with winners all round, Go raibh maith agat :)

Michael Awdry said...

An absolute blast, thank you so much!

Martin Thornton said...

Go ndéana sé maith duit, Frank. I do hope I got that right?

Martin Thornton said...

Thank you for reading and lasting the course!

The Director said...

Great stuff. Oh to be a vampire in that town, slurp, slurp.

Martin Thornton said...

Well, maybe there's a vampire game after the cops & robbers, who knows? Good idea though!

Dave Stone said...

Great conclusion Martin, so much bloodshed, and as you so no real winner in war

Vagabond said...

I finally got to read the end of your tale, well told Martin and of course you were wrong, the gallant Sir Francis, lives on in the memory of his valiant, heroic retinue. His name resounding loudly in the company of all men of honour who have won tremendous victories against fearful odds.

Victory is shouted loud and clearly from the rooftops, death and destruction to the black hearted followers of Jasper the Cad.

Brilliant game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks, Dave.

Martin Thornton said...

Thanks you, my friend. It was a pleasure to run it.